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About us

Our principle is to be in service to mob. Our primary mission is to strengthen the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

How we do this is through deep community partnerships. Why we do this is to respond to community needs and ensure the research we create translates into impact and benefit for community.

We conduct high quality health and wellbeing research of local, national and international significance led by the priorities of communities and offer programs of training and education, for community, policy makers, and at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

We uphold Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership, governance and ways of doing business. We create impact at the systems level, informing national level policy through to community level impact on programs and services. The Centre is the largest Indigenous health and wellbeing team in Australia, spanning cultural determinants, racism, tobacco control, family safety, cancer and chronic disease.

We focus on the most significant health and wellbeing factors that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ lives, including, culture, racism, tobacco, cancer and chronic disease.

Cervical cancer, tobacco control and chronic disease

Read more about our research on eliminating cervical cancer, eliminating tobacco use and enhancing chronic disease care.

Social and Cultural Wellbeing

Read more about our research on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and cultural wellbeing.

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