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Social and Cultural Wellbeing

Kulay Kalingka Study

Led by Shavaun Wells, a proud Taungurung woman, a first of its kind study in Australia, Kulay Kalingka will provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led and governed national-level data to understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s beliefs about cancer, and experiences with cancer care and treatment. Findings will guide national cancer control in research, policy and clinical care and improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mayi Kuwayu Study

The National Study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing; is the largest study of Indigenous well-being, with over 13,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants from across Australia. The mounting evidence from this impactful study is proving that connection to culture directly benefits wellbeing, evidence that informing policy change and local program design to result in better health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mental health and wellbeing around the Voice to Parliament Referendum

Led by Katherine Thurber, this project seeks to understand concerns Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have about their mental health and wellbeing in the lead up to and beyond the Voice to Parliament Referendum.

Yukaaywa Purrary

Led by Dr Oliver Black (Anaiwan), Yukaaywa Purrary is an emerging study that will generate evidence on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people’s health and wellbeing. The study will inform policy development and support program reform to improve the holistic wellbeing of young people, their families, kin, and communities across generations.